artificial grass

 Artificial grass is actually the same carpet product that changes color and becomes completely similar to natural grass. This grass is denser, more resistant and requires much less maintenance, and it has also solved the problem of grass seed growing in non-fertile lands. Artificial grass is used in areas where the necessary facilities for the growth of natural grass are not available or it is impossible or difficult to maintain it properly. These types of flooring are mainly used in sports stadiums. The research that first led to the production of artificial grass for sports purposes dates back to 1960 in the research center of Florida, North Carolina and Alabama in the United States. Artificial grass, having advantages such as high durability, eliminating and reducing costs related to maintenance and daily care, has been highly considered. Buying artificial grass is more economical than natural grass in many cases, such as easy care and maintenance, adaptability in any kind of weather conditions, very long life, and cheap price. Since planting and maintaining natural grass requires a lot of water and more labor, it is suggested that you spend the cost of planting and maintaining grass on buying and installing artificial grass in order to save both water consumption and costs.

In addition to lower cost and less labor, artificial grass is always green and does not turn yellow in cold seasons. Another factor in the popularity of this product is its constant and permanent use. For example, after every football game, unlike natural grass, it does not need to rest and breathe completely, and you can play on it continuously. These many advantages have caused a significant growth in its use. Artificial grass has sports and decorative uses.

Artificial grass model C1


Artificial grass model C2


Artificial grass model C3


Artificial grass model C4


Artificial grass model C5


Artificial grass model C6


Artificial grass model C7


Artificial grass model C8


Artificial grass model C9


Artificial grass model C10


Artificial grass model C11


Artificial grass model C12


Artificial grass model C13

